Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ollie Matson

There aren't any rules for blogs but as this is a Jaguars blog, I try to connect my thoughts, no matter how random, to the Jags in some fashion. Well, this article (obit? post?) from the NY Times on Ollie Matson isn't Jaguars related and outside of really stretching it, I can't think of any reason why it would be. That said, I find football history really interesting and Matson's story compelling. In any case, check it out, if you have a moment.

That's a big strong man. He should act as a reminder to everyone that you have to be a big strong man to play running back in the NFL.

On message boards and what not, occasionally some blow hard will go off about how old players wouldn't be able to cut it in today's NFL. Generally, I think this is a dumb thing to say. Yeah, generally, if you magically transported the best athletes from prior decades to today, they wouldn't hold up well, but that says nothing about the former players, and is really just a very obvious statement about the nature of technology. A player like Matson in today's game, given the same technological advances, would absolutely dominate.


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