Thursday, February 17, 2011

NFL and Union agree to federal mediation

Not much Jaguars news going on. John Oehser decided to refer to Peyton Manning and the Colts by their names instead of some other moniker (like That Guy or the Team from Indiana, or something to that affect). Jaguar fans promptly said "Uh, yeah, we're not that dumb."

In NFL news, what can only be a good thing, the League and the Union have agreed to federal mediation. This can only be a good thing. Here's a curious coincidence (or not if you're into conspiracy theories): The CBA is set to expire on March 4th which is the same day the government would shut down if Congress doesn't pass a budget or continuing resolution. That would be all kinds of crazy. I don't know how long mediation lasts (Do they try it for a week? Is this something they do until they get a deal done or one of them walks away?) but it would really suck if the return of the NFL was hindered because of politics. Congress always has insanely low approval ratings but if they end up on the hook for shutting down the NFL they could achieve an all time low.

In other things a lockout would disrupt, Aaron Kampman is rehabbing at Everbank right now but would move to another facility in Jacksonville post-lockout.

I'm hoping the Jags can lock up Marcedes Lewis in the next few days but if not, fingers crossed he understands why the team would franchise him.


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