Thursday, May 26, 2011

Is Gene Smith lying?

So I know it's cool to be a contrarian and maybe they're just trying to be subtle but I can't help wish when someone asserts that Gabbert will be the opening day starter (as in here), that they should elaborate on if they think this is a plan (and Gene Smith is lying) or if they think Gabbert will simply be the better player than Garrard on opening day (seems unlikely in absolute terms but in terms of value and investment). A healthy skepticism is well and good (I'm sure Del Rio proclaimed Leftwich the starter right before cutting him) but if you're calling Gene out, at least have the decency to say so. The implication in the article above is that David has already lost out.

In my real life, I can be a wee bit cynical but I tend to believe the Jaguars, especially Gene Smith, whenever he says something. I just don't think lying or spin or whatever you want to call it, comes easily to him. If he's about to do something surprising, he's more likely just to not say anything than twist words.

As for who should start? In some years I think this would be a more interesting question but with the AFC South more open than it's been at any point in the last decade, it seems silly to throw away a chance at the playoffs, as well as a prime year of Maurice Jones Drew. If anything, even if the coaches thought playing Gabbert this year would be the best long term option, the fact that they are all on one year contracts is almost certainly going to push them towards advocating for Garrard as the starter (unless of course they think Gabbert is an absolute better option although that seems unlikely. Gene Smith has said as much See the 6:10 mark for most pointed comments although he consistently uses the words "future" and "development"). Ultimately, the decision to keep Garrard on the roster will be Gene Smith's (although I suppose Del Rio could bench him) but it seems unlikely he is going to throw Del Rio under the figurative bus.

If they ever play football, this should be fun to watch.


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