Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Gene Smith's" board

Gene Smith says he is a best available player drafter (BAP). He wants to, and I quote, "take advantage of the system the NFL employs – the opportunity, based on where you’re slotted, to acquire the best available player." He states this in direct opposition to "other teams where the philosophy even in the first round is to go to the greatest need of their football team." He is either lying or telling the truth. If you believe he is lying, that is fine. You're being cynical and I, at times, have been known to be quite the cynical person. Own it and also understand that nothing from this point onward will be very interesting to you.

If you believe Gene Smith, however, then this leaves you with quite a problem in regards to draft preparation. He very well may draft a DE, or a QB, as many are predicting, but really in all likelihood, he could just as easily draft Mark Ingram, or Tyron Smith, or quite literally whoever he defines as the best available player. This means if you're preparing for the Jaguars draft you shouldn't try to predict the Jaguars pick using analysis about safety play or their need for a pass rush. Instead, you should simply rank the top 20 or 30 players as you believe Gene Smith would see them, and then when either making a mock draft, or looking at someone else's, take the highest guy on "Gene Smith's" board (I'm putting it in quotes just so everyone knows I haven't actually seen the Jaguars board. I could sense that was a fear. My level of insider access is sometimes a burden).

Without further adu, and with minimal commentary, I present "Gene Smith's" board:
  1. Von Miller - Productive, explosive, and Gene gushed about him.
  2. Patrick Peterson - If not at corner, then safety.
  3. Da'Quan Bowers - Knee concerns are overblown. I know. My mom's a doctor (Seriously though, I know he struggled with the post-season draft prep but tape doesn't lie).
  4. Prince Amukamara - Athletic, good ball skills, natural player. Generally underrated.
  5. Robert Quinn - Supremely athletic, and pro football body. Don't think the year off matters.
  6. Marcel Dareus - All the tools. Lower here than most because of short production time.
  7. Blaine Gabbert - Hard to gauge Gene's taste for QB's but Gabbert fits Jags well.
  8. Tyron Smith - Athletic tackle, reminds me of Eugene Monroe. Don't know if he has the butt.
  9. Anthony Costanzo - 4 year starter, athletic, generally underrated and a classic Gene Smith guy
  10. J.J. Watt - Big, athletic, high character guy.
  11. Julio Jones - Strong and fast, especially for his size. Good blocker. Sneaky good character guy too.
  12. A. J Green - I kind of feel obligated to put him on here but I think Jones is more of a Gene guy and Green is low enough Jags will never sniff him.
  13. Ryan Kerrigan - Leader, Kampman-like, and the emerging consensus guy for the Jags (and thus will not be the first round pick. We've all learned that by now, right? This is how we know Miami won't draft Ingram and St. Louis won't take Jones.)
  14. Muhammed Wilkerson - Good size, productive and athletic. Weak competition, his biggest criticism, doesn't seem to be a huge factor into Gene's thinking.
  15. Cameron Jordan - The man models himself after Alualu, plus he has the athletic chops.
  16. Aldon Smith - High motor guy. Would be higher but lacks experience. Not sure he's a great fit for the Jags.
  17. Mike Pouncey - Good character and despite poor play last year, Gene has shown he weights previous seasons higher than most teams (see Alualu).
  18. Christian Ponder - Tough, accurate, perfect West Coast QB. Teammates love him.
  19. Nate Solder - Hard worker, supremely athletic. Hasn't played tackle long.
  20. Gabe Carimi - Great senior bowl and Gene loves the four-year starter.
  21. Rodney Hudson - Captain, great technique, and Gene doesn't really care everyone else thinks he's a second rounder.
  22. Andy Dalton - Probably not the 22nd player on his board but the QB I think the Jags have targeted.

Guys presumably removed because of character concerns:
Cam Newton - Just a gut feeling although Gene may not consider accepting money to play college football a character concern, per se.
Jimmy Smith - Positive drug test as well as two arrests
Nick Fairly - Takes plays off, questionable work ethic and hasn't been paid yet. Not a good omen
Ryan Mallett - Rumored cocaine use
Adrian Clayborn - Assaulted a cab driver

After all of this I can confidently say it will be someone I've never even thought about. At which point, like a horse drawn to water, with every donning of the black and teal, I will slowly begin to accept him.

Feedback is always welcome in the comments. Also, a special thanks to my friend The Bear for this idea, as well as to Walter Football, a site that I generally disagree with but can't help admire for the sheer volume of time invested in it. His latest mock is clearly a work of labor.


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